Wednesday, May 21, 2008

II: Stop Overloading & Stop Confusing Our People

STOP OVER-LOADING & STOP CONFUSING our employees with all the quality jargons in the world.

Further Improvement:

1. Benchmarking many Japanese organizations, they put all types of improvement under ONE banner Quality Control Circles, no matter if the improvement are for tackling 5S/processes/system, everything is under ONE name - Quality Control Circles and the basics are the QC Tools and the PDCA cycle. And this formula is "One for All" (regardless if they are from production/support function, and regardless of their level - Operators / Clerks /Tehnicians / Executives / Engineers /Managers / etc.).

2. Further, there should be 'annual convention' to boost the spirit of Plant-Wide Improvement and Teamwork where all the teams will come up stage to share their improvement every year during one 'Season'. You may ask how then, can we judge between 'Apple & Orange' (eg. 'Production & HR'); the answer lies in their very simple and basic rule / judgment criteria, that they only penetrate into every project with sharp eyes (experienced judges) to look into each Effort. The key is simply "Effort". That is why, a marketing team which has many intangible benefit and only a few thousand of tangible savings, beaten production teams that achieved 5 to 7 figures of savings.

3. Spent on the winning teams (3 or 5 teams a year), give them free return ticket & lodging, & some pocket money to do shopping, fly them overseas to present & share their improvement projects with your other branches worldwide.

4. Upon reaching an optimal cycle, you can even have the convention twice a year.

5. Most importantly: don't go drive by "$" but by "Effort"

ROI (returns of investment) from the above:
Easily millions a year (or at least 20% leap in your profit).

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